Publications Plus offers a comprehensive newsletter production service to small businesses, community, and civic organizations. We simplify your production and distribution by offering the following affordable services:
- design
- layout
- proof reading
- clipart
- printing
- labeling / addressing
- mailing
- faxing
- electronic distribution
- web-ready files
In addition, we can flow your text into InDesign, position artwork, and paginate your newsletter. Upon completion, we can either upload the files to your server or send the camera ready to press for distribution.
Our efficient newsletter service will save you time and provide your business or organization with a high-quality look. Call today for a quote.
Electronic Distribution of Newsletters
The process for putting together a monthly newsletter for electronic distribution:
Throughout the month the editor receives emails with articles and pictures from employees, members, president, secretary, etc from your organization. Or they can be mailed and scanned into her computer. She edits and formats and puts together the newsletter. If the members or employees or your organization don’t supply articles, she has a library to choose from of interesting topics. The company president or person of authority then proofs each issue before it is electronically distributed to the organizations email list. You will need Adobe Acrobat (free downloadable software) to view this newsletter.
Cost is $20 per page which includes edits and electronic distribution. Faxed newsletters or mailed issues are extra. The number of pages depends entirely on each organizations decision.
An initial fee is charged one time to set up the distribution list and price depends on the length of the list.
Web site maintenance is also available. You may view a sample at
View sample newsletters